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A Call for the Wild Women to UNITE!


The world feels so confusing right now. What was up is now down. Conversations have gone sideways. And turns out that isn't actually free. (My apologies to anyone who called in on Monday for our weekly Unity Call - stay tuned for a new number) Navigating the world feels like a new and wild adventure every day. It has me at the edge of my self-expression, living in every present moment, fully alive in my body, and FEELING.

This is a relatively new experience for me, to feel so connected to the charge of my body, and not afraid of its power to create and also its power to destroy. Living with cPTSD has been a trip and a teacher. Trying to learn discernment of my truth in this body has been a journey that has taken me from roller derby and water aerobics to "no contact boundaries" and polyamory through the desert of loneliness and isolation on to Tantra and ecstasy.

It's no accident that I came to the book, Women Who Run with the Wolves when my reality crashed in the fall of 2019, as truth washed over me and my worldview dramatically changed. I was driving down the interstate, not an uncommon place for me to have epiphanies, when a flash hit my awareness and my ability to trust myself dissolved. In an instant, I was lost. Alone (but never truly), in the desert, among the bones.

This book became medicine for me in the moments that followed. I listened as tears flowed down my face, kissed by the wind while I rode down the highway on the back of a motorcycle. Probably High. I began gathering the bones, reflecting and trying to figure myself out, piecing together what was left of me. Trying to make things fit again. Deciding what was next. And how I was to show up in the world as the highest expression of myself.

A woman creates and remakes herself again and again. But what remains constant and true within you? What are the knowings that keep you anchored and grounded to who you are? What are the common denominators in what moves you to action? What are you made of? What remains unbreakable within you? When you've burned everything to the ground, what's left? The bones.

It would take losing my voice in the summer of 2021 before I would get to the singing over-the-bones part of my story. The journey to hearing my soul’s voice, becoming attuned to it, and learning to use it has been its own path of self-discovery.

This journey to the wild woman isn’t just my story—it’s a calling that lives in each of us. At this moment in history, when division and confusion are at an all-time high, reclaiming the power of our bones and our soul’s voice is more vital than ever. As women, when we gather our bones and sing our soul’s truth, we amplify a resonance of healing and unconditional love that the world so deeply needs right now.

If these words resonate with you—if you feel the call to reclaim yourself, your voice, your wildness—I invite you to join me and Katrina of Pathwork Healing this Thursday on Zoom at 7:00 p.m. Together, we will explore Chapter One, ‘The Howl: Resurrection of the Wild Woman,’ and support each other in singing over the bones of our forgotten selves. Let’s remember together.



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