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The 5 Most Common Things Clients Say When Starting Their Healing Journey With Me


1) I've been in therapy for years with no results or improvement in my quality of life.

Our current model has us believing the way to solve "mental health" struggles is exclusively through pills and therapy. The truth is the approach to true healing is much more complex. The traditional model fails to consider that our bodies store our experiences, especially trauma, in the physical body. We can process all we want through our brains and mouths, but eventually, it must be released from the body.

Healing Touch aligns you with your inner healer to help you reach a state of healing that allows the body to process these experiences in a gentle and bliss-like experience.

Don't get me wrong though, there might be a session or two where you ball your eyes out in a good old fashioned "ugly cry."

2) I never found a therapist I connected with or trusted.

Trust is a key part of the healing process. It takes time to cultivate a therapeutic experience. In fact, a therapeutic relationship is half of the magic. I can't count how many times I have heard "I have never told that to anyone else before". The secrets I keep and the stories I hold in my heart - they're sacred to me.

I started holding space for my parents at the tender age of 5 and I have been doing it ever since. I take great care in being "safe space" for all. It takes a lot of work though, and that's why I am in therapy and spiritual direction. My self-care as your "healer" should matter to you and it should be something every healing practitioner you hire does. I invite you to ask your health and healing practitioners how they care for themselves. Their ability to hold a higher vibration to support your healing process is part of the deal.

3) I'm more comfortable helping others with their emotions and don't know what to do with my own

Naturally, when you enter into the next level of your healing journey, passing over that threshold is really scary. People know they are going to have emotions that come up, and some stuff to look at that doesn't exactly make you want to run towards the emotional healing process.

One of the most common emotional patterns I see in women is their ability to tend to the emotions around them, but they have not taken space to deal with their own.

Now all that emotional energy is trapped as anxiety, depression, and overall lack, and luster for life. Or what I refer to as the "fuck-its." We want to feel the good, but we are full of the feelings and emotions of yuck from before. Good news is - the process isn't really as hard as you might think.

4) I do not want to rely on prescriptions to cope with life

If I had a quarter for all the times I have heard "I don't want my pill box to look like my moms" I would be rich. Women of this generation are waking up to the fact that there is more to health and healing than we have been shown in our traditional culture with western medicine. We are beginning to see the connection between emotional stress patterns and health for ourselves, and more women are opting for alternatives to healthy living. That doesn't mean that relying on prescriptions in seasons of life and health isn't appropriate, but there are a whole host of tools and resources to support coping with stress vs. reacting to the symptoms that stress creates. We will work to find what tools and resources work best for you in your "healing homework" prescribed for you between healing sessions.

5) I want to change my behavior of numbing out/disassociating and decrease the frequency of emotional disregulation

My clients in their 20s are coming in with direct requests to dive into self-awareness and shifting of these patterns in themselves. Can you believe that!? This gives me great hope for the future. I feel like I JUST came to this awareness in myself mid-30s. The future is female. Women in control of their emotional health and well-being are POWERFUL creative forces. And we need more of them to navigate the transition back to peace.

Through our time together, you will learn the nature of your emotional cycles and what self-care strategies best serve you in maintaining your balance.

Healing Touch supports the body's process of releasing stored and trapped emotional energy.

Our work together will help you understand how to navigate your emotional patterns so you can stay in the flow of the joy of life. You will be surprised at the wisdom of your own body, and once you get to know her better and connect more deeply to the divine spirit that dwells within her, well, there's no telling what might be possible. You haven't created it yet.

If you are ready to take the first step with your Healing Touch journey please book a connection call.

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